Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Auckland Triennial 2010

1. The theme of the 4Th Auckland Triennial is based on the impulse of risk and adventure in art today.

2. A 'Curator' is a content specialist for a gallery's collection. The curator will often take care of the collections, make the decisions regarding what objects to collect or put up for an exhibition. Also conduct research based on the collection, and share that research with the public and/or scholarly community through exhibitions and publications.

3. Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A.

4. Biennial of Sydney.

5. Nick Austin, Richard Bell, Sharon Hayes, Alex Monteith.

6. Mother's Tankstation, Life Again. Light Again. Leaf Again. Love Again, Garret Phelan.

This exhibition by garret Phelan is drawn from an obscure 19h century text on bird watching. In this exhibition he combines his passion for sound, drawing and bird watching to create the possibility of a mutated bird species into Ireland's environment. The pictographic drawings have both a humorous intent, as well as a serious darker side. Imagine a world where birds are forced to 'evolve' because of humans destructive negligence towards the ecological environment. Although this seems unlikely, it does have an affect on the way we look at nature today.


7. Personally Phelan also creates an 'absence' of the sound and sight of birds in nature to enter my mind, I find it hard to picture native birds of New Zealand being forced to evolve and mutate in order to adapt to a change in the ecological environment caused by fellow negligent 'Kiwis'. In creating this 'absence' Phelen forces us to look at the potentially horrible effect that human negligence towards nature can largely or rather will largely have on the greater population of birds in all countries of the world. maybe not to the extreme point of mutation but the thought is drilled into our minds and conscience. The automated (evidently false) love of nature installed in all New Zealander's from birth is challenged, as we are forced to look at our blatant carelessness towards the thing we as 'kiwis' all hold precious in our selves, our countries image.


  1. the 4th trienniel has some interesting work and some very interesting artist the artist you have looked at garret Phelan has experimented with art by watching the birds. observing their sound and how they live in their natural habitat and i believe would have given him alot more interesting perspective on his way of seeing the birds. yeah i get were you are coming fro with the " The automated (evidently false) love of nature installed in all New Zealander's from birth is challenged, as we are forced to look at our blatant carelessness towards the thing we as 'kiwis' all hold precious in our selves, our countries image." and i agree with you on that.

  2. I enjoyed the visit we took to the Triennial this year. The artwork that was exhibited was very different with a certain 'wow' factor about many peices. I liked the image Johnny portrays of the birds mutating due to a change in their own ecological neiche. The information Johnny has written about the artist is very informative in the way he describes his personal views on the artwork. This gives me another point of view on the artist which is a good way of understanding art and its interelationships with issues and different peoples ideas about things.

  3. I really enjoyed visting the triennial i thought it was an extraodinary exhibit with lots of bold on the edge exhibits. Johnny portarys birds in their natural habitat taking us through eyes of the world unknown. He also explores sound and movement of birds emphasing the carelessness that we have towards birds and nature itself, which helps me to really connect to his art work and also giving me a bigger a picture on the enviroment in which we take for granted.

  4. I enjoyed the triennial, it is a great way to bring artist together and showcase their work to the world. Johnny portrays of the birds mutating due to a change in their own ecological neiche. The information Johnny has written about the artist is not to formal so he describes his personal views on the artwork itself.
