Monday, July 26, 2010

Nathalie Djurberg

1. Claymation is a term coined in reference to any film in which the context is majorly plasticine or a similar substance.

2. I believe what is meant by the term is that we all have a pre conceived idea of what the Garden of Eden should look like and our 'natural' thinking of this is challenged so much so that it seems surreal when in fact the idea of our Garden of Eden has no more truth than that of Nathalie's.

3. The complexity of emotions are caused because of the innocence of the materials used and the actions that the characters perform. Automatically Claymation is referenced in our mind to children and we think of children viewing these. So when we so strongly, before we have even viewed it expect it to be viewed by a child we ourselves are put into the mindset of a child. Therefore when we see something completely opposite we are shocked and appalled even as we were not prepared mentally.

4. Well basically the way in which she used children's materials to create her work creating a sense of innocence a we link claymation directly to children, moreover, children are directly linked to innocence.

5. I think this has come about because people like to shock and disturb the viewer. This has always been relevant to artists but turning the innocent into something disturbing is just a newly explored way in which artists can achieve this. One artist explored it and a lot have followed.

6. Djurberg's
work is interesting because of the pure grotesque quality of the clay she uses.
It is reminiscent
of thick
blood. I think the 'shock' value of her work is simply more shocking than that
of other artists
similar tactics.

7. Djurberg's work was really interesting I
found it humorous but at the same time pretty disgusting.


  1. Mr Boraston i like how u mention that we all have this pre concieved idea of what the garden of eden should look like and that our 'natural' thinking is challenged so much that it seam surreal. I also think that she is questioning religion and those who have the power and abuse. the fact that young girls had been taken advantage of challenges this idea whether the garden of eden and the religious ways is as innocent as it is percieved to be. I myself have seen documentrys on t.v and heard stories as to how the peole in power in religion abuse and brainwash the young and innocent.

  2. "the idea of our Garden of Eden has no more truth than that of Nathalie's" is a fascinating statement Mr. Boraston. I had not thought of it like that before but have realised now that it is a fact. this Utopia-gone-wrong that Djurberg creates in her claymation definately questions people in power and religion (flashback to clip of priests forcing naked girl under their robes)... the childishness of claymation creates an honesty in the messages that make it easy to swallow but hard to rationalize later on.
