1. Hussein Chalayan's work can be very hard to accept as they challenge cultural boundaries and events in history. People can take offence to such things; His 'Afterwards' creation was based on the horror of having to leave home in the time of war. He explored the idea of how we might want to hide our possessions. 'Burka' shows he has a political awareness that is absent otherwise in fashion. He creates pieces based on the traditional Islamic chador. Commenting on the treatment of Islamic woman. Personally I think these two particular pieces are art. Also the fact that under his website afterwards is listed under 'arts projects'. I think his creations are art for the simple fact that they evoke thoughts deeper than that of aesthetic qualities. This is how I define art "Thought provoking" and when I look at 'Burka' and 'afterwards' I am forced to think about the reasons behind the piece, not just the beautiful woman wearing the piece. The determining factor in calling fashion not clothing is the hype created by the media and the designers. (In my opinion).
2. When art is produced in order to sell products or an artist is commissioned by a commercial business the art becomes more like a brief with requirements the artist must meet. So no doubt this influences the artist because the art is created for that very business so of course the art is going to relate to the business. If there was no influence it would just be another piece created by Chayalan but endorsed by a company and therefore not really making any sense. I know artists are quite often criticized when it comes to money and art and commercial businesses but the way I see it is good for them, now they can buy more materials and as much crayfish as they want. Who cares what others say as long as you’re eating when you want and respect yourself as an artist. Moneys just a byproduct of art.
3. I can think of the industrial revolution and the scientific revolution. His work has been influenced by scientific conditions such as xenophobia and the social interactions of such people.
4. It is only important when artists are physically capable and have the means to create their own art work and only then when it is practical. For example to get an assistant to paint one work, but it is nesscasary for an artist to hire technicians when it comes to mass produced work or specialized materials
Good work johnny i like your in depth analysis of his work. I think you have very convincing points on how you view his works as art which i also agree with.I feel that the way he has constructed his garments in the series with the burka does make strong comments on how the islamic women have been treated. the way that his work has deeper thought provoking messages is what art is all about and that fashion is more about the aesthetics.
ReplyDeletegood one John! very concise points that make perfect sense. I particularly like the idea of art 'evoking more than just thoughts of the aesthetic quality'...I agree with this as alot of catwalk fashion/designer fashion has no more value than the aesthetic value. though many designers try to make political statements with their designs, not many can pull it off. Hussein Chalayan however does pull this off in 'Burka'- making the garments extend beyond just clothes, they are art. and crayfish? haha love it Johnny. you are an interesting wee pickle. :)