Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kehinde Wiley

Intertextuality can be seen in Kehinde Wiley's paintings. The obvious western art history backgrounds and patterns are seen with an urbanized take on some of the patterns. The very obvious 'out of place' (as it would seem in today’s society) African American is interesting because the intertextuality of the painting challenges our original knowledge of the two social backgrounds we see and acknowledge in these paintings. therefore we are forced to question ourselves as to why we automatically think of the picture as 'wrong', the answer is simply that we were born into the knowledge that old-world elitist white culture is dominant it art culture and the white male in today’s world is dominant.

Wiley looks at pluralism, an idea that recognizes a wider representation of art, rather than the original emphasis of a single cultural group. So although pluralism is a good way to look at different art cultures I find Wiley is poking fun at the concept. I think he is saying pluralism is all good and well but it simply doesn't exist in this western world view of not only the art world but all cultures and societies. Wiley supports pluralism and looks at cultures other than his own in his works. I believe this to be a very smart move because not only is he fighting for cultural art to be recognized, at the same time he is practicing what he preaches. By including western art history and incorporating it into his creations he fights for recognition of pluralism and defies the typical anti-western artist.


  1. good day Mr Boraston i like the way how you have mentioned that intertextuality of the paintings challenges our knowledge of the two social backgrounds. These paintings i feel are very effective in the way that he has used juxtaposition replacing the white rich males with black american urban men. This i think raises many questions to our society and really confuses the viewer as it is not what we are normally usto seeing in the history books. I think that it would be awesome to have more pictures and knowledge of the people outside of the whit male hierarchies. To see the art works of those who havnt been recognized would be very interesting and it makes me think the power that those have to say what is regarded as art and what is not

  2. I agree your posting!
    I read books and I got more information about INTERTEXTUALITY.
    It refers to connection of contexts. Roland Barthes or Julia Cristeva said that if we read one text in one's name when we read about that, we can't read and we can't understand. we can understand or interpret stories by thinking More two texts connection. INTERTEXTUALITY can make expectation of story when we read a book.
    Renaissance master
    1.) K.W.’s art replicates important historical figures and shows young, urban, black men with power. These images show how he used an old renaissance painting, but changed it to a new, unique, and contemporary way. Wiley’s work is different and a fresh change. The complimentry colors he uses work really well together. It is easy to understand and has a good message.)
